How do you write a recap of something as complicated, chaotic but extremely powerful as Death Race? As much as I’ll try to describe it, words will not make justice

Centering on Self-Care and Spiritual Health May Actually Help You Overcome CancerCentering on Self-Care and Spiritual Health May Actually Help You Overcome Cancer
As challenging as receiving a cancer diagnosis can be, it’s often something of a wake-up call for many people. Healthy living, after all, is about more than being cancer-free. Focusing

Ruck Up Your Fitness: A Guide to Rucking and Its BenefitsRuck Up Your Fitness: A Guide to Rucking and Its Benefits
There was a time when Rucking was associated with military personnel, who carried their necessities in large “rucksacks”. But this simple yet effective exercise is gaining traction among everyday fitness

El Muro: cómo evitarlo y qué hacer si lo chocasEl Muro: cómo evitarlo y qué hacer si lo chocas
One of the biggest nightmares that every runner can experience in their long-distance races is “hitting the wall”. None of us is immune to it and unfortunately it is more common than we may

¿Cómo bajar de peso de manera efectiva?¿Cómo bajar de peso de manera efectiva?
One of the most common goals for people nowadays is losing weight. But it is also one of the most failed goals there is. Why does most people fail in

La importancia del sueño en la saludLa importancia del sueño en la salud
Sleep is a basic human need, just like eating, drinking, and breathing. It is essential for our physical and mental health. We could say it’s the secret ingredient to optimal

¿Qué es Entrenamiento Funcional y Cuáles son sus Beneficios?¿Qué es Entrenamiento Funcional y Cuáles son sus Beneficios?
Functional training has become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason. This type of exercise regime focuses on movements that mimic real-life activities, which can help improve overall

¿Cómo entrenar para una carrera Spartan?¿Cómo entrenar para una carrera Spartan?
Como embajador de la marca Spartan y ávido corredor de Spartan, a menudo me hacen esta pregunta. ¿Cómo se entrena uno para una Spartan Race?

¿Cómo empezar a correr?¿Cómo empezar a correr?
Correr es una excelente manera de mejorar la salud cardiovascular, reducir el estrés y mantenerse en forma. De hecho, ciertos estudios han identificado que las personas que comienzan a correr tienen más probabilidades

¿Qué programa de ejercicios debo elegir?¿Qué programa de ejercicios debo elegir?
No a todo el mundo le gusta correr, levantar pesas o hacer yoga. Es por eso que elegir el programa de ejercicio adecuado es fundamental para lograr sus objetivos fitness y mantener un estilo de vida saludable, sin